Lab Equipments
Fluorescence Microscopy

The CKX41 is an inverted microscope suitable for regular cell observation including GFP and other fluorescence applications. Olympus relief contrast increases visibility with non-glass cell culture vessels and improves productivity with its pre-centered slider. Post-acquisition analysis, documentation, and archiving can be achieved with digital cameras and software.

Shimadzu’s UV-1700 is a highperformance, application-oriented and compact spectrophotometer and in combination with the HELLMA fibre-optical probe and fibre-optic enables fast and precise measurements of UV-VIS spectra. The UV-1700 (190 -1100 nm) can be operated as a stand-alone instrument or via the user-friendly UVProbe software.
Biological Safety cabinet

Ventilated laboratory workspace areas designed to protect the user and surrounding environment from microorganisms.

The Avanti Lipids Mini-Extruder allows researchers and scientists to prepare large, unilamellar vesicles by extrusion in an efficient, rapid manner. The optional heating block allows the extrusion of unilamellar vesicles at elevated temperatures, which is critical for the successful production of vesicles from phospholipids with a phase transition temperature (Tm) above room temperature.
Tecan Infinite® 200 Microplate Reader

A Multimode microplate reader which combines reagent dispensing with fluorescence, luminescence or absorbance detection in an affordable, easy-to-use platform for the complete range of life science applications. The reader offers several detection modes for sample measurements in 6- to 384- well plates. It is supported by the powerful i-control™ software, which allows the user to easily set up protocols to suit their own application.
Biological Safety cabinet

Biological safety cabinet to manipulate cells culture protecting the user and the surrounding environment from microbial contamination.